Vespa Adventures: Ya’ar HaMeginim Poppy Fields Part 1

Sometimes you come across something by accident and realize how lucky you were to witness the beauty, 

Because the next day, you might not be able to appreciate it in the same way: 

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Vespa Adventures: The Ride Home, Via Poppies!

Ready for an Adventure?

On Saturday after spending the morning the Kadma Flower Field/Garden, we were driving back towards Jerusalem when I spotted a mass of red all of the sudden ahead of us. The colour popped so much from the otherwise green surrounding that it was hard to look away. As we drove closer to the field, I realized that it was in fact a dense patch of poppies that has overtaken a bit of this particular farmer’s crop and was providing those driving along the road with a very special treat. I knew that it wouldn’t be easy to get a good shot in the car and that trying to find a way in with the car was beyond pointless. (And I couldn’t ask my partner to do that after spending the morning already in a field of flowers.)

That is when I decided, to myself, that I would return on my way back from the kibbutz and do my best to get in. (It is, for all I know, private farm property but with all of the ATVs running around those lands, I believe any dirt road path is up for grabs to drive.) I know that I seem to get off on many flower tangents on this blog, but for me it is a very good way to slow down for a moment and really appreciate the life and beauty around me. Continue reading

Vespa Adventures: Elah Valley, Spring in Israel Photos

This gallery contains 14 photos.

The Elah Valley, otherwise known as the place where David beat Goliath in the Bible,  I cannot share with you enough how beautiful Israel is during the Spring. It is almost another country completely during this time of the year. I found myself in a somewhat historic place this weekend, but I mostly enjoyed the… Read more.

Spring Pastels for Everyone!

Scooter Chic,

(Click to enlarge)

Today was a total treat! The sun has returned and thus the scooter adventures can finally continue after a week full of rain and wind. Today I bopped from one place to another: a few different malls then to the beach, and all between those two extremes. This Spring seems like it is going to be a great season for fashion, after more than a few rather dull seasons: we survived! (It was getting a bit tedious, no?) The pastels and floral prints are everywhere and they are so lusciously gorgeous.

Today’s finds were items I couldn’t pass up: a dress from Zara’s Spring Collection and a few great sale items. (Yesh!) The Guipure Lace Dress is shown above and it is amazing in its details. The photo that Zara has up on its website doesn’t do anything for the dress (middle photo), so I took a better one that shows the fabric a wee bit better. The mark up from the states (to the Israeli price tag) is a full $20.00, but it is worth it. The red fabric behind the dress, in my photo, is a fabulous scarf that was on sale for $5.00 (original $37.00):  a complete steal! I saw the scarf a few months ago, but I couldn’t justify buying it then for the original price. I also bought a pair of capri bright orange pants on sale for $8.00 (original price, $52.00) that isn’t shown in the photo. 

Being thrifty is a good balance for anyone and sales are always fun to find!

I can’t wait for a bit warmer weather to wear this fabulous dress around town. It will absolutely turn heads. Yay for Spring and yay for this fashion season!

A few favorite photos from this weekend’s ride,

This photo was taken during a walk around the Bet Gemal Monastry in Israel ( located outside of  Bet Shemesh). 

The two photos of the vespa were taken on the ride today from one of the local vineyards on Road 411, outside of Rehovot. 

This sunshine has been embraced by the locals and everyone seems to be outside enjoying it somehow. It is so good to see everyone on their own adventures in such lovely weather. I plan on getting a lot of draft posts ready this upcoming week, so keep en eye out for those!

Till then, everyone have a lovely weekend! Cheers. 

Today’s Ride

Scotter Attire: Urban Mod

The Spring Scarf,

As the weather has been warming up and the days here are filled with more and more sunshine, I have been changing up my scooter attire towards a more breathable essence. The main item I’ve changed has been from the heavier, winter scarf for a lighter and looser one that allows movement and air flow during the ride.  With the airy scarf you add a touch of class to your ensemble that evokes images of jubilation, and I can’t help but think about the following images when out riding,

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Vespa Adventures, Israel Anemones Part 1^

Here is the first video I’ve put together for the sheer enjoyment of the visuals it provides. Spring in Israel is one of my favorite times of the year because of these fields of flowers throughout the country that provide stunning landscapes I’ve yet to see elsewhere. This video, part one, includes more of the journey there and has a lot of the ‘ol Vespa in it.

The one I am about to start working on will only have the flowers and have better footage of the field. This particular place I return to every year is off Road 40, headed towards Be’er Sheva(If you would like further directios, please contact me.) The second part should be finished later today and up Monday soon, as I thought it would be better to wait and sererapte these two videos. I noticed that after seeing a big of the footage the beauty can lose its hold on you and kind of blend together in a sea of Red. I will try my best to edit the second part so that the beauty isn’t lost.

There is a famous song about the Anemone flower itself called  “Kalaniyot” which singer Shoshana Damari made famous. It is sung in Hebrew, her original version: The lyrics, from English are:

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