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Photos of The Day: N.O.P. D. Fight Crime in Style.

Yet another way in which New Orleans one ups every other city, in the form of coolness: 

N.O.P.D. patrol the French Quarter on Vespas,

“‘The advantage of a scooter, Matthews said, is that it combines the mobility and ease of use of a bicycle with the speed of a motorcycle, making it a perfect vehicle for the French Quarter. Even the old scooters could get to things way quicker than the patrol cars could,’ he said. Plus, they look really cool….”

“‘We live in a city that attracts millions of tourists, and it’s kind of nice to have our police riding around on a good-looking machine rather than those falling-down scooters,’ Materne said.”

Reason 158,495,684 why I adore the hell out of Nola. Who dat!

P.S. If you need to get in the know about places to eat and where to go (local places VS tourist places), give me a holler.

About kaie w. bird

A freelance photographer in Israel that likes to scoot about while documenting just about everything. P.S. I am a horrible editor. Forgive me.

3 responses to “Photos of The Day: N.O.P. D. Fight Crime in Style.

  1. That is cool! Although perhaps the style declines ever so slightly when you put a two-hundred pound N.O. cop on top…

    • Hehehehe… I completely agree! Also, at least in the states, most cops on two wheels seem to be punks. Youtube videos of Nola cops, on scooters, helped demonstrate this point.

Love to hear some of your thoughts below!